On The Way

2024-Individual Project

Project Summary:

This is a two player serious game, merging VR with PC controls. It highlights the challenges on the daily route of a visual impaired person. In particular, the obstacles on the tactile paths. By introducing a guider who can help clear these hazards, the game illustrates how even small acts of help can ease their journey.

Key Words:

Work Flow:

Serious Game, VR, Multi-player Game, Collaboration, Accessibility

Develop and Design: Zhilin Shang (Leah)

Assets Credits‘ list:

On The Way

Gameplay Showcase Video:

On The Way


This video captures the unexpected obstacles of a blind person while navigating a route, resonating with viewers in the comments.

A blind content creator in China shares her daily life. On a five-minute walk to meet a friend, she faced numerous obstacles, but a Helper eventually appeared and guided her to her destination.

Then I took several field trips, where same issues happened.

There are also good examples:

City space with accessibility.

Clean tactile paths.

Summary and Analysis:

I listed all the issues and solutions from my research, then brainstormed ideas to adapt them into various game content and formats.

I refined some ideas base on the analysis.

On The Way

Rough Ideas:

I decided to move on with the idea 4. In this game, 2 players share information they get from different perspectives to reach the target.

Idea 1:

Related Issue: Occupation of Tactile Paving
Related Solution: Moving Obstacles
Game Format: 2D Top-Down Sokoban-Like Single-Player Video Game
Game Description: The player navigates a dark map as a visually impaired person, seeing only the blocks they occupy and the nearby tactile path. The goal is to clear obstacles blocking the path, avoid hazards, and reach the destination safely.

Idea 2:

Related Issue: Damage of Tactile Paths/ Overhead Obstacles
Related Solution: Advocacy of Tactile paving maintenance
Game Format: Physical Board Game with Unique Materials
Game Description: Using various types of fabric Velcro placed randomly on the game board, players simulate a walking route. They feel the direction of the tactile path and avoid both ground-level and overhead obstacles.

Idea 3:

Related Issue: Poor Designed Facilities/ Occupation
Related Solution: Assistance from Guidance
Game Format: Two-Player with Dual-View Co-op Game
Game Description: Inspired by Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, this game has one player as the guide, equipped with a manual that lists the types of obstacles the other character may encounter, but not the layout or goal. The blind character navigates a dark game world, seeing only the explored tactile path, nearby objects, and auditory cues. The two players must share information to help the blind character safely avoid hazards and reach the destination.

Idea 4:

Related Issue: Occupation by Pedestrians/ Lack of Warning Signals
Related Solution: Assistance from guide dog and Pedestrians
Game Format: Team-Building Multiplayer Game with Large Props
Game Description: A team-building game with large props and an open space, requiring four players: a good person, a bad person, a blind person, and a guide dog. The good and bad players can set different props to guide or mislead the blind. The guide dog can only move along tactile paths, using a single bark to help the blind person, who moves freely. If the guide dog or blind person hits an obstacle, the bad person wins; if the blind person reaches the goal, the good team wins.

On The Way

Game Mechanics Iterations:

On The Way

Game Mechanics Iterations:

I found my design lacks immersion. Instead of presenting information flatly, I should focus on conveying the actual feelings.

The feelings include...

...hitting an obstacle in front

...tactile path down your feet

‘A helping hand’ for your walk

On The Way

Final Game Flow & Features:

Level Design & Development:

Problem Solving Examples:

Multiplayer Function Development:

Due to the highly distinct control methods and device of two characters, I couldn't use the default network manager with Mirror presets. Instead, I customized character spawning for multiplayer and enforced a host-client relationship between the two machines, achieving the multiplayer function.

Initial Tests:

(Only GuideP)

Other things I am proud of...

A cave made by car tire:Optimization

Besides, most of the assets are reused, such as transforming buildings to gates, or using a single rock to fake all cliffs in the background, including the top of this cave.

A collision manager.

It handles functions triggered by Tag On Hit. Such as detection of off and on the tactile path, deadly and dangerous obstacles, and success after reaching target.

Final mutiplayer outcome & scripts:


Tug Within


It Was Here